Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gordon Ramsay’s Cooking Up More for Fox

We're going to be seeing a lot more of Gordon Ramsay in the next few years on Fox. 

The brash and brutally honest Brit has signed a deal with Fox for two more seasons of Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares. The deal also includes a blind commitment for a third series and a live cooking show special, reports Variety. 

What's the bleep-happy chef's take on his new deal? He's thrilled because "they let me be me — that's the key to our success." 

Ramsey's new series, which is based on the British show Man Camp, is like a boot camp for men, whose "ladies are slightly concerned about how feminine they're becoming." 

No doubt this tough cookie will whip these men into shape faster than he can say, "Shut up, you donkey!" 

Have we had too much Ramsay in the kitchen? Or are you psyched for his third show?

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