Monday, June 21, 2010

Third Harold & Kumar Starts Production

Earlier today, "Harold & Kumar" co-creator Jon Hurwitz, who directed the first two movies Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle and its sequel Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay announced on his Twitter account that the third movie A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas has started filming:

Harold & Kumar 3 has officially started shooting. That is all.

John Cho and Kal Penn are back in the lead roles, and the movie is filming somewhere in Michigan, which has recently become a hotbed for film productions going by the recent announcement of projects. Directing this time around is Todd Strauss-Schulson, who has previously directed various MTV programs and a couple shorts. When it was originally announced, the movie was slated for a November 5, 2010 release, but it seems that a June/July shoot might be cutting it tight for a holiday release this year, so one can probably assume it will get a release late next year.

Hurwitz is also currently developing American Pie 4 to co-direct with his regular collaborator Hayden Schlossberg, which is why they aren't directing the third installment. No word on when that might start shooting or get a release just yet.

1 comment:

  1. i remember watching this for the first time when i was little, it was the first time i ever heard the song as well, and i thought they were saying "little man died". it made sense to me, harold the frog was essentially a man, so he was very little. ah, memories :,)
